What is Security Installation?

Security installation is necessary for any hanging work located in commercial, or ADA regulated spaces such as hospitals & elder care facilities.


Security hardware allows for artwork to sit flush against the wall with small z-clips on each corner, and then is locked to the wall on the bottom using a t-lock and special wrench. This hardware prevents any shifting from being bumped, shaken, or any other manual disruption and also is appropriate to prevent injury in the event of an earthquake, or to prevent theft.

Often tasked at installing artworks, general contractors often do not have experience installing framed pieces with security hardware– that’s why they call us!


Our team at Apex Art Lab specialize in security hardware installations so you know when it matters, everything will be installed to the highest level of safety and professionalism.

You may ask yourself, “Do I really need security hardware”?

Let me give you some examples of situations that call for this speciality hardware.

+ You have a high-volume location where people might run into the walls/causing the art to potentially sway or fall resulting in injury or damage.

+ You are concerned about creating an earthquake-safe space.

+ You have concern about art theft.

+ You are subject to ADA regulations such as in a hospital, wellness, or eldercare environment.

+ You have kids and concerns about them knocking art off the wall.

+ You are hanging art in a place where if it fell it could cause serious bodily harm such as high in a stairwell, or over a bed. [Other hardware can be used in this circumstance but security hardware offers the most stability]

Another thought you may have is “Do I need a professional art installer to install with security hardware”?

The answer is not necessarily, but in most incidences it is probably a good idea.

The tricky thing with security installation is that it requires absolute precision at three points of contact with the wall. Even an eighth inch off in measuring gets you an extra hole (or more) in your wall.

The next thing is that this type of hardware requires a special wrench to secure the bottom T-lock in place.

That being said, if you are a confident, precise installer with the right equipment, you could likely install with security hardware yourself.

If you don’t have the skill/experience or tools for the job, security hardware installation will surely be a hair-ripping-out experience.

Here are some installs we’ve done recently throughout the greater Seattle area that needed security installation to give you a better sense of what environments should use security hardware.

Restaurant & Bar, security hardware installation by Apex Art Lab.
Resort & Spa Lobby, security hardware installation by Apex Art Lab.
Office Common-Space, security hardware installation by Apex Art Lab.
Art Museum, security hardware installation by Apex Art Lab.
Healthcare Environment, security hardware installation by Apex Art Lab.
Apartment Complex, security hardware installation by Apex Art Lab.
Eldercare Facility, security hardware installation by Apex Art Lab.

Now that you know the ins-and-outs of when and where to use security hardware, let me share something that drives us art installers bananas: screwing THROUGH the frame in lieu of security hardware (see picture below). This is a practice I’ve seen too many times and it’s bothersome not only because it’s unsightly, but also you run the risk at cracking the frame in the process– and framing ain’t cheap! So before you grab your drill, give us a call to get a quote on your security installation project.

Screwing through the frame in lieu of security hardware is an unfortunatly common and unsightly solutiion to not knowing about (or how to install) security hardware.