AAL’s Artist Program: What’s the Deal?

AAL has recently put out a call to artists to participate in a special Art-On-Demand PNW Artists program:

Artists provide us a high-res image of their work and we handle all of the production costs, cutting the artist a check for 20% of the print costs. It is a great opportunity for artists working in the PNW area in 2D mediums to get passive income with no production cost overheads.


The PNW Artists’ program serves as a love letter to our community: we want to help support artists using all of the tools at hand! No longer should an artist be dependent on selling original pieces through a traditional art gallery. While that is fine and good, why not have a secondary form of revenue from your art with little to no work involved? Yeah, we think it’s a good idea too.

Because this program operates differently than a lot of artist opportunities out there, we wanted to show you an example of one of our local artist’s that is featured & benefits from AAL’s Program.

MEET: EC Fleming. EC is one of the contributing artists in AAL’s Artists’ Program. She is also the Director of Creative Development at Apex Art Lab.

Let’s take a look at how AAL went about taking one of EC Fleming’s pieces and prepping it for the digital collection!

We start with the original pieces. Her diptych “Blue Away” was done with acrylic & liquid frisket at 6″ x 9″. Small originals.

Original art by EC Fleming - 6"x9" each

Next step is to digitize the originals! Since these pieces are small enough to fit on a normal scanner, we scanned EC’s pieces in at 1200 DPI to ensure we were getting maximum details.

Now that we have the digital files, we are free to do whatever tech magic we want! For this particular instance we did some minor color editing– inverting the white paper to black to create additional depth.

Using cutting edge image resizing software, AAL is able to enlarge digital images up to 500% of their native size. Meaning that for these pieces the native size is 6″x 9″ but with using this software we can make these as large prints or canvases without losing any of the details of the brushstrokes! Imagine all the possibilities!

Et voila! From small originals we were able to make EC’s diptych into a set of canvases at 24″x36″.

Original 6"x9" artwork from EC Fleming blown up, color edited and printed on canvas at 24"x36". Available in AAL's Art-On-Demand PNW Artist collection.

It’s as easy as that! Now that EC has their work digitized and up on Apex Art Lab’s digital library, any designer can select their pieces and print at any size they want, on any substrate, with 20% of the print costs being cut to EC!


Now EC Fleming's works are available on paper, canvas, metal or wood at any size!

Are you a PNW artist that is interested in making passive income? All we need is high-res images, above 3000 pixels on the shortest side at 300DPI and AAL handles the rest! We are open to artists working in any 2D medium: painting, drawing, illustration, photography, graphic design, whatever!

Send submissions to: ARTISTS@apexartlab.com